Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Introducing :: Little White Things

Doing much to further relationships across Europe, we have Little White Things (we hope this isn't a drug reference...!). Part Swedish, Danish, Irish and English, based in London - and just for good measure, have another Dane directing their debut video, below - the foursome have just released their first single, 'Step Back', and unveiled film-maker Steffen Wendt Andréa's visual accompaniment.

Formed early last year when Swedish guitarist Max met Irish vocalist Dave at a party in East London, and after a chat and a few drinks...er, jams, they started writing music together the very next day. In fact, says Max, the next single is one of the first song they wrote together.

Not wasting any time, the pair went into the studio with producer Ben Jackson of To Kill A King last December, and together recorded ‘Step Back’ and ‘Corner Of’. A few months later, English bassist Joe and Danish keys man Morten joined the band, and as a four-piece they played their first few gigs together.

'Step Back' is a bouncy little indie pop thing with a somewhat curious, but not unlikable, vocal, that moves along at a jaunty handclapping pace with programmed drum machine that fuses an electronic/organic vibe.

Little White Things are: Dave Behan - vocals, guitar; Max Bergstrom - guitar, vocals; Joe Phillips - bass, vocals; Morten Schmidt - keys, vocals

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