Monday, May 26, 2014

Introducing :: Machines For Dreams / Life Coach

They say a week is a long time in politics, it can very often be the same in music. A band comes, makes a dent with some tunes, then disappears - to reappear a short time later, looking rather similar if maybe sounding quite different.

Here we have not only one of the above scenarios, but TWO outfits consisting of same members - and both concurrently parading their new wares.

Australian electronic indie duo Machines For Dreams from the Newcastle/Sydney area seem to have just suddenly in the last month cut a thrust online with the upload of a new track 'Zodiac', for which they have just put out a video for (see below). Now whilst there is not a lot to be had information-wise on the pair since they first emerged last year with an online demo 'Bloodhounds' (which has now been removed), those local to New South Wales may have encountered them on a gig bill or two during that time.

However, when one delves a little deeper and without too much sleuthing involved, it transpires that not only were vocalist Lachlan Morris and drummer Hamish White together in a previous grunge punk enterprise called The Guppies, but both of them are concurrently engaged in a new grunge-esque outfit named Life Coach - except Hamish doesn't play drums with them, only with Machines For Dreams; Angus Geraghty does, while Hamish takes to guitar - and they have just unveiled a video for a new single release, 'Tigersharx' (see below).

Confused? So were we.

Obviously being two separate ventures, as one would expect, the two bands are very much at opposite ends of the spectrum. While Machines For Dreams appear to opt for the subtle, down-tempo beats and 'good guy' image, Life Coach on the other hand are like the tearaway, post-punk devils - and judging by the video, could easily be extras in a 'Home & Away' Summer Bay beach party scene. With the energy of the latter and the smooth vibes of the former, it's hard to say which is the better of the two, but we look forward to seeing what they do next.

Life Coach Facebook
Machines For Dreams Facebook

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