Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Track Of The Day :: Full Collapse - 15th

Words: Linn Branson 

Oh, what wondrous beings are the Australians! I could personally sit and listen to nothing else but music from our Antipodean cousins all day, and every day. And this little beauty by Tasmania's Full Collapse is a prime example of how good, diverse and guaranteed for repeat plays are the sounds emerging from Down Under.

'15th' is actually a late 2019 release from the four-piece - all still in their teens - but hell, so we're late here, but this song is a dream whenever you might happen across it - and you should. From a DMAs-like start with acoustic guitar and Cam Illingworth's heart-aching vocals, to long electric instrumental breaks, to robust abandonment, it is just really too damn fine. It's a little early in their career to pick out a jewel, but this could easily be theirs.

Check out their Facebook for another acoustic track on video, 'Unfamiliar'. And as a double treat, watch the visuals further down for first single 'Future You', released in November 2018, when young frontman Illingworth was still only about 15 or 16 years old.

Live dates

20 Kingsway Bar Launceston, TAS

17 Brisbane Hotel Hobart, TAS M8 Fest

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