Monday, January 20, 2014

Delving Into South London's Acoustic/Folk Duo Delve

Words: Linn Branson

It was only a few nights ago, roaming around Twitter in the early hours (as you do), that I came across a band by the name of Delve. Well, not so much a band as a duo in fact: Andy Vyse and Jack Cox (bassist Dan Cole has now become an additional member, I understand). What was more, they did that kind of folky acoustic-y thing which is not my thing-y at all. So imagine my surprise when not only did I get through the whole of the first track I listened to taken from their first EP of last year - Lakes & Seas' - but I actually wanted to hear more. So I did. That was 'Kelsey'. And I can tell you now that I have played that particular track a helluva lot more since too. Hooked is the right word.

Delve hail from south London, and so their Soundcloud blurb tells us, they fuse together "affected electric guitars, acoustic chords, soulful melodies and harmonies...[creating] a uniquely mellow and captivating sound." Well, I can confirm that is inded the case. Even if your thing is not this type of music, the beautful melody and the rawness of the vocal have a way of worming their way into your consciousness.

Subsequent to my then bombarding them with messages, Andy sent me a little more information - in addition to word up of their being featured in the Sunday Times Culture magazine the following day (see below).

"On Soundcloud we have quite a few tracks, but they are from our first EP: 'Kelsey', 'The Dripping Green' and 'Lakes & Seas'. All the others on there are just demos recorded by us," he explains. "We don't currently have any tracks from our forthcoming second EP as we're still in the writing and recording phase. That (second EP) should hopefully be out in March and will be self-released, as was the first. We're currently unsigned and are self-managed and funded.

"The first EP was just Jack and I with an acoustic guitar and a semi-acoustic with Jack singing lead and myself singing backing. For the second EP we'll be recording as a full band and it will probably have a bit more of a rocky feel to it. We have a bassist, will be auditioning for a drummer in early February, and may get some other instruments involved for the studio.

"The Sunday Times feature was mainly about the '250 gigs in 250 days' we played last year. That again was self-managed, self-booked and self-funded. Oh, and we drove over 11,000 miles round the UK and Ireland ourselves as well! We saved up for over a year at our jobs in London to be able to do it. And I'm so glad we did, as it was amazing! We filmed the whole thing and made video diaries from it and took a hell of a load of photos, they're all on our blog - which you can see here "

And if there is just even one song on the new EP that is half as good as 'Kelsey' lyrically, it will be well worth the money. 'Kelsey', is the young lady who seemingly eventually has enough of the young man who, "lately he's been a total mess/ from the drunken evenings/ to the random sex", and departs, not answering her phone or saying where she's gone. According to Delve, the characters are real. And no, there was no happy ending to the story, sadly.


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