Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Sing & Tell :: Lost In Vancouver

Edinburgh indie rock four-piece Lost In Vancouver follow spiky single 'Pinot Noir' from earlier in the year, with 'Meadows', an ode to growing up in Edinburgh, which came out on September 7.

Who are you? 

I'm Jake Morgan, lead vocalist and play guitar with Lost In Vancouver. Then we have three other members: Lachlan Will (lead guitar, backing vocals), Scott Keating (bass) and Tom Lawrence (drums).

Tell us something about yourself and how you came to be where you are today. 

There has been quite a line-up change, if I'm honest. I'm the only original member and that probably makes it look like I'm really hard to work with - but I swear I'm a really nice guy at heart! The recent line-up has been together probably around 4/5 months, but me and Tom have been playing in the band for around two years now so I'd say we've been a "proper band" for around that time, haha! Currently we are based in Edinburgh.

Give us an idea of your musical style and influences.

In terms of musical style we're definitely indie rock, but our influences vary from Arctic Monkeys to Benjamin Francis Leftwhich. But in my opinion artists we take a lot of inspiration from would be The Killers, The Strokes, Oasis and Catfish and The Bottlemen. Our sound has developed quite a bit with our newer material like 'Pinot Noir' and 'Meadows' - I'd say our sounds following the direction of something you'd hear on the Inbetweeners sound track...

Explain the production and writing process behind your songs.

With most songs, it would normally start out with me sending a voice recording at around half 4 in the morning after a night out or a few bottles of wine to our band chat. From that the rest of the guys would write their own parts. Sonce Lachlan joined the song writing process has become more of a duo thing, songs like 'Pinot Noir' came from that. We record with 7 West studios in Glasgow which we find absolutely perfect for the direction we want to head in, something that's polished but still rough around the edges. Chris Marshall is hands down one of the best people we've worked with so far.

Tell us a little about your new single.

'Meadows' is a song that follows a story most people at uni - specially in Edinburgh - can probably relate to, the whole going to a big park with a few mates with a Tesco bag full of Bevi and patching uni the next day because you drank too much and passed out in the park. The song also has that typical about a girl, but the touch of student lifestyle makes it what it is in my opinion. I think for us we want to be that band that keeps things simple, no complex rhythms or time signatures just tunes with anthemic choruses and riff hooks you and your best mate can't belt out during festivals at the top of your lungs.

Can we catch up with you at any forthcoming live shows?

We are currently planning a tour run in Scotland which the dates for that will soon be announced on our social media pages. We have just done a headline show at Edinburgh venue the Mash House which was mega since it was the first home crowd we played to since releasing 'Pinot' and from that experience it feels like we are playing a different game now.

How's the rest of the year looking, plans-wise?

I think our plan is to keep going in the same direction we are heading in, releasing music and consistently playing live. No matter where or who we play to, it doesn't really bother us. I think what's important for us as a band is that we enjoy the stuff we play and if other people get what we are trying to then that makes it even better.

Where can we hear more of your music?

Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Spotify, YouTube.

What social media platforms can we find you on? 

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