Tuesday, May 07, 2019

The Great Escape Q + A :: Soaked Oats

It's time once again for Little Indie's annual seaside excursion to The Great Escape - and for our usual pick of some of the artists we have down for bringing something special to the Brighton festival.

Today we feature Kiwi sludge-pop four-piece from Dunedin, New Zealand, Soaked Oats. Their new EP 'Sludge Pop' will be released on June 14, which includes single cut ‘Coming Up'. On their first visit to UK, they also play a London date on May 13 at Servant Jazz Quarters.

1. First time at TGE?

Very first. Lot of firsts on this trip. We've never been to this country before. It's very far from our home.

2. Are you a seasoned Escaper as a punter, or a first-time newbie?

Unseasoned, spring is the seasoning season though, so let it be!

3. Will you be a Brighton day-tripper or staying for the whole event?

We're in it for the whole event. Got a little place to call our own for a few days - all welcome. Plenty of couches about I believe. Just go chat to Henry (Gat-Boi) after the show he'll see you right!

4. The highlight of your set will be...?

There's an omni-chord and it's going to go like this at some point if we have time: It's hot property.

5. Where will we be likely to find you after your set: at the bar, on the beach, stuffing fish n chips, or other?

I imagine we will be doing all of the above. I'm excited to see this beach… All of these options sound great, I especially like the sound of “other”. It's got a sketchy feel to it. That music festival underbelly vibe. I sense we'll do a lot of walking, searching for things to do and do very little of them. We're quite an indecisive bunch.

6. Aside from building sand(-or probably more pebble)castles on the beach with your little bucket and spade, what else will you be up to in Brighton?

I really have no idea what there is to do in Brighton. I'm picturing a nice little seaside town filled with more people than usual all having a lovely time listening to music together. I think we'll just be on that list of people schlepping our way about.

7. Who else playing at TGE are you hoping to see yourself, or would recommend others should put on their must see list?

We've been a little slack on our research but a few on the list are Hand Habits, Yves Tumor and Fat White Family, most excited about the great unknowns (this is not a band) though.

8. Please give your festival appearance/s, venues and stage times.

Thursday 12:30pm @ Horatios (New Zealand Showcase)
Friday 9:00pm @ The Hope and Ruin

9. Any tips for festival goers?

Don't go swimming if you can't swim.

10. Complete this sentence: "You must see us at The Great Escape because..."

... we may or may not (don't want to get our plan busted by TGE undercovers) raffling off a large crate of beer (check @Soakedoatsband on Instagram to see it) from home at one of our shows. Not sure which one yet sorry (this is not a ploy to double dip you, see Q5 Re: Indecision)... we could only fit one crate on with our luggage allowance. But we'll be handing out raffle tickets at the door so you've got to be in it to win it, yah know.

(Questions answered by bassist Max Holmes)

Track Soaked Oats on Facebook

The Great Escape takes place at various venues across Brighton between May 9 - 11. Click here for further information.

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