Monday, May 06, 2019

The Great Escape Q + A :: Talk Show

It's time once again for Little Indie's annual seaside excursion to The Great Escape - and for our usual pick of some of the artists we have down for bringing something special to the Brighton festival.

Next up is Peckham, South-East London-based newcomers Talk Show. The new wave punks released debut single ‘Fast & Loud’ via YALA! Records - Felix White of The Maccabees’ label - earlier this year; a brief, but urgent two minutes of jagged guitars that spew out woozy riffs and darkly disturbing vocals.

1. First time at TGE?

We made a brief appearance last year; the hangover lasted a fair few days though.

2. Are you a seasoned Escaper as a punter, or a first-time newbie?

It’ll be our second year, so we’ve got some form of experience. I wouldn’t call us experts though, I’m sure we’ll be pretty broken by the end.

3. Will you be a Brighton day-tripper or staying for the whole event?

We’re in it for the long run, Thursday-Sunday. Can’t resist a weekend at the beach.

4. The highlight of your set will be...?

We don’t know about highlights, but hopefully Harrison remembers the all words.

5. Where will we be likely to find you after your set: at the bar, on the beach, stuffing fish n chips, or other?

Dotting around all of the above, maybe getting sunburnt, weather-depending.

6. Aside from building sand(-or probably more pebble)castles on the beach with your little bucket and spade, what else will you be up to in Brighton?

The main aim is to try and see as many bands as possible, so we’re gonna be doing a lot of running between venues.

7. Who else playing at TGE are you hoping to see yourself, or would recommend others should put on their must see list?

Walt Disco, Lucia, Rascalton and The Ninth Wave. (Big up the Scots). Pregoblin, Scalping, Crack Cloud, The Wants... the list goes on.

8. Please give your festival appearance/s, venues and stage times.

Saturday, 7.15 at The Deep End on the Beach Site on the sea front. We might also have a few other secret appearances so keep an eye out.

9. Any tips for festival goers?

It’s marathon not a sprint, pace yourself.

10. Complete this sentence: "You must see us at The Great Escape because..."

... we’re gonna tame a seagull and get it on backing vocals.

(Questions answered by vocalist Harrison Swann and bassist, George Sullivan)

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The Great Escape takes place at various venues across Brighton between May 9 - 11. Click here for further information.

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