Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Listen :: Highasakite - Keep That Letter Safe

Words: Ellie Ward

Released today (June 1, on Propeller Recordings) is the latest - and first in more than a year - single from the Norwegian pop outfit, the wonderfully moniked Highasakite.

Following their full-length 'Silent Treatment' (which won them two Norwegian Grammys, and an IMPALA Nomination for European Independent Album of the Year), 'Keep That Letter Safe' is as high-flying sonically as their name, with frontwoman Ingrid Helene Håvik's vocals fly heavenwards over reflective keyboards, in what is a very Scandinavian, downcast, but epic, anthem.

And if you think the track has that cinematic quality about it, well it has in fact been used - or 50 seconds of it - as the theme song on Norwegian TV drama 'Acquitted' ('Frikjent'); its popularity sending the single into Norway’s Top 15 Chart on presales alone.

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