Words: Alison Mack
After arriving in early 2015 as a new south-east London semi-anonymous outfit, it didn't take INHEAVEN long to get their self-produced 'Regeneration' debut heard by all the right ears. It resurfaces now, more than two years on as one of the 12 tracks on this first full-length record.
And it's not the only one. Written mainly by James Taylor and in partnership with Chloe Little on half of the record, it makes for a union that has seen INHEAVEN go from strength to strength.
Opening on the monster riffage that makes the politically-charged 'Baby’s Alright', so well, more than alright, filled with pop ambience and big chorus title line, when bassist Chloe Little takes on lead vocals for the scuzzy, grunge pop track 'Treats', things really get underway. Nestled in between this and the driving guitar explosion of 'Vultures', is the sweet pop romance of Stupid Things'.
But there's still plenty of catchy, fuzz-pop, from last year's All There Is', to 'Bitter Town's echoing vocals and infectious chorus, to the incendiary ‘World On Fire’. With the blissfully arranged pièce de résistance coming with closer 'Velvet', this really is an album you'll feel in heaven listening to.

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