Tuesday, October 22, 2019

KOPANO heads to 'London' from Oz (on record, anyway)

Ashlee Mclernon 

Words: Ellie Ward 

Jemma Bradford, aka Australian singer, songwriter and producer KOPANO, made her entrance two years ago with her EP, 'The Malfunctions'. Since then her danceable electro-pop has been quiet

But now she is back with her first new single, the dazzling synth-pop gem, 'London', which she co-produced with fellow Perth-based DJ and producer Yangda, and recorded in the city's Tone City Recording Studio.

"My dad is from the UK and has always pushed me to move over to England, specifically London and I guess the song is about those feelings of excitement and unsettlement experienced when living abroad," says Jemma.

"The actual vocal layering of the song which sings ‘sink myself in water’ is ultimately about me giving up and drowning myself in a place so familiar yet so foreign, that’s why the chorus is always describing me next to water, it’s like foreseeing the inevitable. I wanted to even out this intense feeling of isolation with the instrumentation of the song which includes lush synth strings and this awesome guitar riff - that’s why I like pop so much, you can vent about so many things but the production of the song allows you to dance to it too."

Grab it here.

Live dates

23 The Bird Perth, WA

29 Rosemount Hotel North Perth, WA

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