Thursday, December 20, 2018

Harry Parsons doesn't just want to be 'Friends', okay?

Words: Ellie Ward

Harry Parsons doesn't just want to be 'Friends', okay?... and he doesn't want it to end either.

So the singer-songwriter from Auckland, New Zealand has dropped a video, directed by Aidan Rogers and filmed on Super 8, for latest single 'Friends', which has its focus on unrequited crushes.

"I wrote this song a on the couch whilst aimlessly strumming my guitar and the words just sort of fell out," gecsays. "I guess as a whole it's a reflection on unrealistic crushes and how flustered and useless its can make you feel when you try and talk to said crush, constantly questioning wether what you said was cool, did they like that joke etc.

"It came from a very honest and raw perspective, which is why it only took like half an hour to get the core of the song out of me. I like to think what I'm singing is going to be something instinctively recognisable seeing as we've all been in a similar situation, even though the emotions can feel so personal. I hope it brings comfort and even maybe a chuckle to my friends and listeners who are (or who have been) in the same boat."

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