Friday, December 20, 2019

Listen :: Two Weeks In Nashville - Don't Give In

Words: Ellie Ward 

Despite having a name that might suggest an American allegiance, Two Weeks In Nashville hail from closer to home in South London. The rock outfit make their debut with 'Don’t Give In', and even before its release, they had managed to sell out London’s Camden Assembly, which shows word of mouth spreading.

Out now via AWAL, 'Don’t Give In', says singer and lead guitarist Billy LeRiff, was "written from a place of feeling down and out. It’s a reminder that no matter how you feel now, you can always get out of that hole. The song’s about remembering that and trying to inject some hope and positivity."

Two Weeks In Nashville - the city where they have recorded their maiden full-length and returned twice to, but as Billy quips, “only for two weeks at a time” - rock up with a 60s/70s retro twinge on 'Don’t Give In' which opens on acoustic guitars accompanying Billy's vocals, before taking off with soaring melodies that makes for a sparkling, anthemic track.

Listen below.

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